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BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Task 3

Performance objective:

In this task you need to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to monitor and evaluate the implementation of workforce planning.

Assessment description:

Using the workforce planning you developed in Assessment Task 1, you will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your workforce planning against your objectives. To perform this task, you will develop an internal survey, and review and analyse performance data.

Assessment Questions:

  1. Review the JKL simulated business documents provided by your assessor and the scenario below.
You are an external consultant contracted to develop, implement and review workforce planning at JKL.

You now need to evaluate the implementation of your workforce planning. You will need to review the effects of actual trends in the JKL workforce, review the external environment, survey the workforce and develop an evaluation report for senior management.

  1. Using the information provided in Appendix 1, review workforce trends at JKL with regard to exiting employees.
  2. Review the external environment for:
    1. trends in labour supply that may affect demand
    2. review relevant government policy
    3. industrial relations and industrial relations legislation, including identification of relevant modern awards, conditions, and rights and responsibilities of workers and management.
  3. Develop a survey to gauge organisational climate:
    1. worker satisfaction and reasons for satisfaction levels
    2. worker intentions to retire, exit, pursue internal and external opportunities and reasons

Note: Design your survey to gather necessary data while protecting privacy and fair treatment of individual employees under relevant company policy and legislation. Include a short statement on the intention of the survey, how the data will be used and how it will be stored.

  1. Submit your survey to your assessor. Your assessor will supply organisational climate data.
  2. Using information gathered from steps 2 through 5 and your workforce plan strategies and objectives developed in Assessment Task 1 and implemented in Assessment Task 2, review and revise your objectives and strategies.
  3. Prepare a report for senior management to:
    1. evaluate the internal and external workforce trends and their effect on organisational objectives
    2. build support for your recommendations.

Include in your report:

  1. An executive summary.
  2. A discussion of internal and external data, including:
    1. internal labour trends
    2. external supply
  • government policy
  1. industrial relations and modern awards
  2. climate survey results.
  1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of workforce planning and change processes against objectives and targets. Use information from Appendix 1 and refer to the objectives and targets you developed and implemented in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2.
  2. Recommendations for changes to objectives and strategies to achieve organisational objectives or, if achieved, contribute to continuous improvement. Ensure your recommendations are supported by your discussion of internal and external data.
  1. Submit documentation as per specifications below. Please keep copies for your records.


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