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5HW067 Evidence Based Practice and Research Methods Assignment

5HW067 Evidence Based Practice and Research Methods Assignment

Assignment Brief 

Search the electronic databases to identify and retrieve a piece of research to critique in order to fulfil the requirements of this piece of coursework.

You are required to demonstrate your understanding of the research process through a critique of the various stages of research – abstract to conclusion by

  1. Justifying the retrieval process used in identifying this paper as a suitable document to critique.
  2. Discussing the research process undertaken within your paper
  3. Analysing through discussion the methodology used within this paper
    1. Why was this method used?
    2. Discuss other possible alternative methods used within research and why they might be used.
  4. Evaluate the different types of evidence that is available to you as a podiatrist and how do they inform your clinical podiatric practice.
    1. How is this research paper relevant to your clinical practice?
    2. What type of journal was the paper published in?
    3. What is the clinical expertise of the author and would this make a difference to the research paper?     


Your assignment should include;


This should include a very brief overview of the assignment analysing why and how you have arrived at choosing this particular article from the databases. Do not include the assignment brief.  

Main Body of assignment

  1. Research process/es.

Discuss the research process within the paper of research methods used within the paper you have identified.

Analysing through discussion the methodology used within this paper and whether there are any possible alternatives that could be used within a piece of research.

  1. Types of research.

What different types of research are available to you as a clinician and how does these different types of research inform your clinical practice and opinions.

  1. a) How is this research paper relevant to your clinical practice?
  2. What type of journal was the paper published in?
  3. What is the clinical expertise of the author and would this make a difference to the research paper?
  4. d) Journal / Author analysis

Discuss how this paper is relevant to your clinical practice. Discuss whether the journal and author could influence your opinion / clinical judgements?


Conclusions should not include any new discussions or information, but should draw together the threads of the discussions in the main body. The conclusion must be fully referenced.     


Planning your assignment

Introduction (references needed) How will the assignment proceed?

What will the flow of your essay be?

What will be discussed?

Why have you chosen this piece of research to critique?

How have you arrived at choosing this piece of research?

Main Body of assignment (must be fully referenced)

  1. Research process/es.

What method of research is applied to this paper?

What method is used?

Is there any flaws / biases identified in the methods used by the author?

Can you identify any bias in the method?

How would you address this variable?

What alternative method could be used to address the bias / variable?

  1. Types of research.

What types of research are included in evidence based practice?

What is the hierarchy of evidence?

Why is the type of journal where a paper is published important?

Why is it important to know about the author of the paper?

How could a research paper influence your clinical judgement?


Conclusions should not include any new discussions or information, but should draw together the threads of the discussions in the main body.

The conclusion must be fully referenced.

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