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5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

The overall study of the topic resembles the importance of the customer satisfaction on the Brand Loyalty of a company. It can be concluded from the study that satisfaction of the customer is helpful in the development of the company in all backgrounds. The research has been done on the case study of Tesco plc, UK. The activity of the customer during the purchase process has been understood. The main agenda of the company is to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers. This strategy of the company helps in engaging the customers with the company. The company is working for the enhancement of the quality of the products and services t5hat are offered to the customers. The various theories and models are taken in the literature review to understand the concepts of the variables of the research topic. There are various discussions of the factors that affect the customer satisfaction and the brand loyalty of the company. The challenges in implementing the strategies of the brand loyalty has been discussed. The researcher has used the positivism approach for the study bog the research topic. The researcher has followed both the primary and secondary data collection method for the collection of data. The data is analysed with the help of both quantitative and qualitative analysis. At last, the data is properly analysed and represented in the tabular and graphically that enables a better understanding of the outcomes of the study. All the objectives has been successfully fulfilled by the outcomes of the research. There are recommendations provided for the improvement of the customer satisfaction in the company.

5.2 Objective Linking

The outcomes of the research has fulfilled all the objectives and questions of the research. The different factors that are affecting the brand loyalty of the company is explained in the context.

Objective 1: To discuss the different factors that influence the brand loyalty

This objective has been discussed in the qualitative data findings question 2 that was asked to the 3 managers of the Tesco Plc. They have clearly stated the different factors that are affecting the brand loyalty of the Tesco. They have answered various techniques including focusing on the best product of the company. The data and the findings that are obtained from the literature review are properly analysed using the qualitative data analysis. Therefore, the different factors that has been influencing the brand loyalty has been fulfilled by the analysis of the data.

Objective 2: To examine the effect of customer satisfaction on the brand loyalty

The second objective has been discussed in the quantitative data findings question 4 that was asked to the 50 samples who participated in the survey. The answers of the participants are recorded and analyses using quantitative data analysis. The data obtained from the literature review and the survey have shown that most of the customers are satisfied with the quality of the products and services of the company. Therefore, the objective 2 has been successfully fulfilled by the outcomes of the research.

Objective 3: To identify the role of the brand performance in customer satisfaction and loyalty

The third objective has been discussed in the quantitative data findings question 3 that was asked during the survey of 50 participants. The answers of the participants are analysed and it was shown that there are many customers who are purchasing the products from Tesco for many years. The data obtained from the literature review suggests that it implies the good performance of the brand of the company. Therefore, it can be observed that the customers are satisfied with the brand performance of the Tesco. Thus, this objective has been met by the outcomes of the research.

Objective 4: To recommend improvements in satisfaction of the customers in brand loyalty

This objective has been discussed in the quantitative data analysis question 9 and in qualitative data findings question 4. The first question was asked to the 50 samples who participated in the survey and the second question was asked to the 3 managers of the Tesco. The answers are analysed properly and was linked with the data obtained in the literature review of the research. Therefore, it is observed that Tesco is taking many steps in order to enhance the customer satisfaction including the motivation and training programs to cultivate new leaders in the company who can show the right path of achieving the goals and objectives of the company. Therefore, the objective of the research has been met by the outcomes of the research.

5.3 Recommendations

It is recommended for the company to ensure the techniques and strategies that helps in the development of the customer satisfaction and the brand loyalty of the company. The Company needs to know about the needs and expectation of the customers. With the change of the daily market, the needs and expectation of the customers are also changing. The company is recommended to know the available staffs and employees of the company. The shortage of employees and staffs may discards the development of the company. Therefore, it is recommended that the company needs to recruit talented employees and provide trainings to them to make an important assets for the company.  Most of the companies think that the customers are looking for the price only. On the other hand, these days’ customers look for the quality of the product. Therefore, it is recommended for Tesco to enhance the quality of the products and services that are offered to the company. It is also recommended for the company to encourage the customer to provide their feedbacks regarding the quality of the products and services of the company. The company needs to take special care of the feedbacks of the customers and resolve their queries and problems to enhance the quality of the CRM in the company. All these strategies are helpful in increasing the customer satisfaction and the brand loyalty of the company.

5.4 Future Work

This research has focused on the effect of the customer satisfaction on the brand loyalty of the company. There are many theories and models discussed in the current research work. In the future, the researcher might study the various theories and models on this topic and perform research on the enhancement of the brand loyalty of the company.

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