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Statistical Analysis Assignment-SCU Assignment Help Part B

Statistical Analysis Assignment-SCU Assignment Help Part B

Assignment Description 

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Part B Submission

You should submit one word document consisting of:

  • Part B coversheets – first four pages, including completed self-marking sheet for Part A with reflection.
  • Copy of your Part A submission.
  • Written answer as letter or email for Part B – see page 5 of Part B coversheets.
  • Appendices for Part B, which contain full statistical working for the required statistical tasks.

Part B Preparation

While the submission date for Part B is Tuesday 26 April 2016, you should be working on Part B during Weeks 5 to 8.

It is recommended that you follow the following timetable:

  • Self-marking of, and reflection on, Part A should be attempted in Week 5.
  • Question 1, covering Topic 5, should be attempted in Week 6.
  • Question 2, covering Topic 6, should be attempted in Week 8.


Task 1 Part A Self-Marking – 5 marks

When directed to do so during Week 5 complete the following tasks

1)        Open your saved copy of your submission for Part A.

2)         Replace the Part A coversheets (three pages) with the Part B coversheets (first four pages).

3)        Rename and save this file as

“Family Name_First Name_Part_B_Campus”.

4)         Use the solution template and marking guide provided to mark your submission for Part A. Enter recommended marks on the self-marking sheet for Part A, page 3 of the file in 3) above.

5)         Write a short (approximately 200 words) reflection/feedback on your submission and marking of Part A. In particular;

  • consider the good aspects of your submission, what did you do well,
  • identify where you made mistakes, and how you would avoid them in the future,
  • consider what you learnt from submitting and marking Part A.

This is to be entered in the space at the bottom of the self-marking sheet for Part A.

6)        Save file. This is to be submitted with Part B – due Tuesday 26th April 2016.

Task 2 Part B Appendix – Statistical Inference (19 marks)

The following statistical tasks should appear as appendices to your written answer. This should include all necessary steps and appropriate Excel, or equivalent, output.

These appendices should come after your written answer within your single word document for Part B.

In preparing your appendices you may use one of the following formats:

  • Word with Excel output added.
  • Handwritten with Excel output added. This will then need to be scanned and added to your word document.


Statistical Inference

Choose a level of significance for any hypothesis tests and a level of confidence for any confidence intervals. Enter these values on page 2 of the Part B coversheets along with the sample number from Part A.


Question 1 – Topic 5 (9 marks)

Your relative or friend asks you for an estimate of the average price of a three or four year old car of the specified make and model in the state specified by your sample.

To provide this estimate use Price data for 2012 and 2013 used cars and an appropriate statistical inference technique to answer the following question.

What is the mean price of a three or four year old car of the specified make and model in the specified state?

Note: the required data for 2012 and 2013 cars is in the first rows of your sample.


Question 2 – Topic 6 (10 marks)

Your relative or friend would prefer to purchase a car with a manual transmission and wishes to know if this will limit their choice

To provide a justified answer to this question use the Transmission data (where A = Automatic transmission, M = Manual transmission) for all cars in your sample and an appropriate statistical inference technique to answer the following question

Do more than 30% of cars, of the specified make and model, for sale in the specified state have manual transmission?


  • You may need to transform or manipulate your sample data, before using Excel, or equivalent, for the required statistical calculations.
  • Use Excel, or similar, for statistical calculations. You do not need to repeat any Excel calculations by hand. However, make sure that you define your random variables and include any steps not given by Excel. For example, in a hypothesis test include the null and alternative hypotheses, along with the decision to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.
  • Mention any assumptions you need to make.
  • Comment on why the test/confidence interval has been chosen.
  • Make sure you interpret confidence intervals and write a conclusion to hypothesis tests.

Task 3 – Part B Written Answer – Letter or Emails (6 marks)

For each question present the results of your calculations, with your interpretation and conclusion, as part of a letter or email to your friend or relative.

Use the instructions given on page five of the Part B coversheets.

This should be one to three pages and 200 to 400 words.

It should be submitted as a Word file with Excel output included.

Make sure you:

  • Introduce the question and put it in context.
  • Answer the question in non-statistical language.
  • Present the results of your intervals or tests without unnecessary statistical jargon.
  • Include conclusions which answer the given questions.


Marking Criteria – Part B

Read these marking criteria carefully and consider them when preparing Part B. See the marking and feedback sheet, page 4 of Part B coversheets, for allocation of marks.


Part A Self-Marking

Full marks will be given for an “acceptable self-marking and reflection”. This is defined as the majority of errors (in particular major or obvious errors) are recognised and considered in marking and reflection.

Zero marks will be given if no or minimal reflection and/or self-marking or major errors are not recognised.


Statistical Calculation

  • For the intervals and tests marks will be given for:
  • Choice of appropriate statistical technique/s.
  • Random variable defined.
  • Correct hypotheses for a test.
  • Correct statistical calculations, including Excel.
  • Correct interpretation of results.


Written Task – Letter/Emails

  • 200 to 400 words and one to three pages – marks will be deducted if this is greatly exceeded.
  • To obtain full marks must:
  • Be well structured and analysed.
  • Answer the questions and clearly communicate the results of the Excel output in language appropriate for your audience.
  • Include an introductio
    n to and conclusion for each question.
  • Include appropriate Excel output.
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