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BUSI2211 SUMMATIVE ASSIGNMENT Consumer Psychology Assignment

BUSI2211 SUMMATIVE ASSIGNMENT Consumer Psychology Assignment


Term One of this module examines the three ‘classical’ eras in the development of Consumer Psychology; the psychoanalytical, behaviourist and social cognitive eras.  As noted throughout the lectures, seminars and associated readings, many of the conceptual frameworks characteristic of these eras are still very influential to this day, particularly in the advertising industry.

Your task for this assignment is to study peak-time advertising on mainstream television over the course of a single week, identifying and evaluating the application of ONE of the following bodies of work ONLY;

  • Enerst Dichter’s motivational research paradigm
  • John B. Watson’s concept of conditioned emotional responses
  • Leon Festinger’s social comparison theory and cognitive dissonance

Whichever option you choose, your analysis should draw on appropriate bodies of literature to introduce key concepts, identify applications of those concepts in commercials across a broad range of product/service categories, and reach some overall conclusion as to the continued relevance and effectiveness (or not) of your chosen theoretical perspectives.

Your answer should be illustrated with examples of commercials broadcast on a single UK television channel over the course of a specified seven-day period.  If you require any guidance on your selection of TV channel, please contact the Module Leader.

Overall word limit: 2000 words


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