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Activity 1
  1. What differentiates a group of people from a team. (100–125 words)
  2. Explain why it is important to establish a clear team purpose. (75–100 words. 
  3. What are the implications of role ambiguity within a team framework and with regard to:
    Task achievement.
    Team cohesion.
    Personal achievement.
  4. If you were appointed the leader for a newly established team, describe how you would ensure that all members of the team knew what they had to accomplish. 
  5. Why is it important that the team’s purpose and role be collaboratively developed? (100–150 words) 
  6. Charters, mission/ vision statements, memorandum of agreements, constitutions, role and responsibility statements are all examples of documents that record in writing a team’s purpose and role. Collect an example of three of these documents. Comment on each of them as to how effective they are.
(Hint: Use the internet to collect examples from businesses, professional associations, sporting clubs or social groups.)
How can roles and tasks be clearly allocated to team members so that problems do not arise? (50 words)
Activity 2
1. You are the leader of the customer service team for an organisation. You are responsible for ensuring that the shop is always staffed with assistants who make customers feel welcome, attend to their questions and needs knowledgably and promptly and who are able to maintain the shop’s displays at all times.
At any one time you have a team of 15 assistants with six needed per day. Due to the nature of the work you have an average turnover of one position per month.
At a recent senior management meeting the business strategic plan was developed, from which you now need to develop a performance plan for your sales team. You also need to remember the ongoing team requirements as well as those new requirements brought about by the strategic plan.
In essence, the strategic plan states that, over the next 12 months, the organisation is aiming to:
Increase turnover by 30% by:
introducing 20 new products including a range of six health lollies that have added nutrients
Build market loyalty by specifically targeting tweens as customers by:
designing new packaging specifically designed to have greater appeal to the 7–12 age group
introducing a club membership for tweens that gives them free gifts for purchases over specific amounts
Increase efficiencies by:
increasing average customer sales from $4 per person per visit to $6 per person per visit
purchasing and installing a new computerised till aimed at tracking sales by each salesperson
Your task is to:
Define the sales team goals for the next 12 months. Ensure that they are SMART.
Define the KPIs and standards for each goal.
Define the time frame for each goal.
Select one goal and create an action plan which clearly documents how you will achieve this goal. Detail the methods/ processes that you will engage in, the resources that you need and risks or constraints.
(250–500 words)
2. Why is encouraging participation in the planning, decision-making and operational aspects of the team’s work important for developing team cohesion and what role does feedback play in doing this?
Activity 3
  1. Briefly describe the stages that a team goes through during its life cycle. (50–75 words)
  2. Explain why it is important to actively support a team through all stages but particularly the first three. (50–100 words)
  3. What things might occur to change the linear progression of a team’s development? Give at least three examples.
  4. Describe at least four techniques that could be used to help a team establish a culture and ethos that will enable its members to achieve their performance expectations.
Activity 4
  1. Describe a self-managing team.
  2. Why are self-managing teams considered desirable? 
  3. What might be some barriers for a manager in creating a self-managing team? List four
  4. What strategies can you use, or have you seen in use, that are designed to actively encourage team members to have input into planning, decision-making and the operations of a team? (75–100 words)
Activity 5
  1. Consider a team that you have either led or have been a part of. Describe the members of the team in relation to Belbin’s roles and answer the questions that follow.
  2. Did you have the recommended mix of roles—ie was the team heavily weighted with a particular role type or were there gaps? Describe the impact this had on team effectiveness. (150 words)
  3. List at least four actions that a team leader might consider taking if the imbalance in a team is detrimental to performance.
  4. List six ways in which a team leader can ensure that team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others with their work
Activity 6
You are the team leader for a busy, customer focused technology support centre. Sue is a long-standing member of your team. Her position requires her to answer the telephone, handle face-to-face enquiries regarding technical difficulties, use her knowledge and experience to solve problems and finally to communicate solutions to customers.
Until recently you considered Sue to be very capable. You received good feedback from other staff and customers about her technical ability and customer service skills generally. Recently, however, you have received a number of complaints about her from another team member and from several customers. The complaints relate to her terse and harsh interpersonal skills and her lack of responsiveness when dealing with problems. Things have become so bad that it is having a negative impact on Sue’s immediate team mates. One has refused to work with her and another has complained that they are unable to complete their work as Sue is not feeding the paperwork through quickly enough.
How will you handle this situation? (200–250 words)
Activity 7
To diagnose and resolve challenges in an effective manner there need to be a number of conditions within the team that support this. List six.
List at least six ways in which team members might put forward (communicate) concerns, perceived issues, suggestions and ideas for improvement.
Although in some cases there will be outliers that require creative problem solving processes, a team leader might, in consultation with team members, develop a range of procedures for addressing issues. List six.
Activity 8
  1. What advantages are there to the following groups in encouraging participation from all team members?
  2. What are the key requirements for fostering and supporting full commitment in a team situation? (50 words)
Activity 9
In what ways can team leaders support their teams with regard to identifying and resolving work performance problems? (250 words).
Activity 10
What are the key aspects to establishing and maintaining open communication processes with all stakeholders?
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