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Encryption and decryption: a case study of apple inc


According to Sankaran and Krishna (2011), encryption and decryption plays an important role for the security of useful information of an organization. Encryption and decryption forms an essential part of technologicalsystems that help to reduce redundancy and maintain security of data to maximum extent.

1.1) Aims of the research work

Primary aim of this research is to understand the impact of encryption and decryption on the working of IT organization such as Apple Inc. It also aims to highlight the importance of encryption and decryption for maintaining security of useful data of any organization.

1.2) Objectives of Research work

  • To study the operational structure of the encryption and decryption process for the data security within an organization.
  • To study the effectiveness of encryption and decryption and the extent up to which it can be useful for any organization.
  • To scrutinize the extent of necessity of encryption and decryption process in securing data of any organization.

1.3) Hypothesis

  • Encryption and decryption forms an essential part of security system for any organization.
  • Encryption and decryption doesn’t have impact on securing the information of an organization.

Literature Review

2.1) Introduction

In this context, KumariSharma et al. (2013) explained that encryption is a process of converting the plain text to cipher text whereas decryption is a process of converting encrypted cipher text to plain text or it is said to be the opposite process of encryption. The advantage of this encryption and decryption process is that it protects the data from any stranger or third party to produce any changes into the information.

2.2) Encoding and Decoding Data

XIE and Guo (2013) stated that encoding is the process of translating the entire text into cipher test whereas decoding involves translating of cipher text into the plain text. By this, the security of important data of the company is maintained which makes the company to focus on achieving the goals only. This is because the focus of organization gets distracted from the achieving of organization’s goals when it is about securing the useful data of the company. When the work of maintaining security of data is rested for the encryption and decryption process, the employers and the employees can shift their focus only on their achievement of daily targets. Based on the operations and usage of keys, encryption and decryption are of two type namely symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography. According to Choi and Lee (2015), symmetric key cryptography possesses the usage of same key for encryption and decryption whereas asymmetric key utilizes different keys for encoding and decoding.

2.3) DES Encryption and AES Encryption

Verkhovsky (2011) has distinguished DES and AES in the following way:

  • Utilization of key: DES utilizes 56 bits key while AES utilizes 128, 192 and 256 bits key.
  • Restrictions: DES restricted to the usage of 64 bits and on the other hand AES is restricted to the use of 128 bits.
  • Basic comparison on the basis of old and new technology: AES is comparatively a new technique as compared to DES encryption.

2.4) Summary

The encoding and decoding process of data along with encryption and decryption process has been discussed in this section. Moreover, the basic comparison between DES encryption and AES encryptions has also been discussed.

Research Methodology

3.1) Research Approach

According to Pang et al. 2012, research approach creates link between the theories or models, principles and hypothesis that are developed for the research work. Inductive research design has been used in this research as it connects data in the direction of new theories.

3.2) Research Design

Descriptive research design is chosen for this research work as it helps in-depth analysis of the collected data from different sources. According to KumariSharma et al. (2013), research designundertakes the process and procedures that helps to understand, analyze and interpret the collected data.

3.3) Research Philosophy

Out of the various research philosophies, post-positivism research design has been adopted for this research as it helps in accepting the various theories, background, concepts and values that make it easy for observing the useful information.

3.4) Data Collection Methods

Primary data as well as secondary data both has been collected for the successful accomplishment of the research work.

3.5) Sample Size

In order to collect the first hand information based on the research topic, 25 developers of encryption and decryption process and 5 managers of Apple Inc. has been interviewed.

3.6) Research Ethics

Research ethics of the university as well as the company has been kept in the mind while conducting the research work.

3.7) Limitations

Budget, access to the resources and the time limit – these are the basic limitations that came in the path of concluding the whole report.


Choi, W. and Lee, J. (2015).Design of a Key Scheduler for Supporting the Parallel Encryption and Decryption Processes of HIGHT. Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 24(2), pp.107-112.

KumariSharma, R., R. Biradar, S. and P. Singh, B. (2013). Shared Architecture for Encryption/Decryption of AES. International Journal of Computer Applications, 69(18), pp.1-6.

Luo, S. and Chen, Z. (2014).Hierarchical identity-based encryption without key delegation in decryption. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 5(2), p.71.

Pang, L., Li, H., Pei, Q., Liu, Y.And Wang, Y. (2012).A Public Key Encryption Scheme with One-Encryption and Multi-Decryption. Chinese Journal of Computers, 35(5), pp.1059-1066.

Sankaran, K. and Krishna, B. (2011).A New Chaotic Algorithm for Image Encryption and Decryption of Digital Color Images. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, pp.137-141.

Verkhovsky, B. (2011). Double-Moduli Gaussian Encryption/Decryption with Primary Residues and Secret Controls. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 04(07), pp.475-481.

XIE, H. and Guo, D. (2013). Reconfigurable serial AES encryption and decryption circuit design. Journal of Computer Applications, 33(2), pp.450-454.

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