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Have you ever wondered what will happen to the system of education in the coming century? As of now, there is a lot of change in the system of education. The technology which we are using has improved so much that our mental and physical stress has been decreased significantly. The human race is an ever-evolving race. We evolve on the daily basis. Imagine what will be a life of a student after a century.

• Things like scholarship will be disappeared as a student can receive free meals and boarding in the schools and universities. It will be the consequence of the technological need for development and personal drive for knowledge.
• Students with learning disabilities can interact with normal students as at that time they will get free reading glasses. That will be an epic, really! It is because within 100 years medical technology will be highly advanced so that the best care will be provided to all the students equally.
• Students who cannot afford the transport to school can afford it as incoming century poor students will be offered transportation.
• Some years ago students didn’t have smartphones, tablets or laptops. But now and in future, these devices will be used in 3D projects for educational purpose.
• Now, students are no more limited to their own country only to education has become global as in the future movement of people will be very fast and students will be able to have a morning class in a country and can attend science seminars in another country It will be really cool! It sounds crazy, but it will happen as at that time we can achieve the speed of the light!
• If we talk about the future classes of the school, they will have touch screens which will help a student in sharing information with each other without any difficulty. They can also get all the data and schedule related to the classes on their screens. They can get all kinds of information like the timing for the next class or what and when an event will be conducted and much more.
• The schools and the institutions will also be upgraded. They will have a canteen which will offer personalized food to the students according to their tastes and interests. They can pick what kind of food or cuisine they want. It can also happen that the food that time will be healthy and tasty.
• After completion of the degree by the students, getting a job in a foreign country will be a lot easier. All the time consumed by the process in order to get visa of the company will be decreased. The foreign students will get a job or placements without any problem or any kind of struggle. The things and the processes will be very efficient and time-saving in the coming century.
There will be so many possibilities in the coming century due to the transforming technology. A student wouldn’t even need to worry about the classes if he has fallen sick as the technology will bring all the classes to his home. A student can attend class sitting in his or her house. You can imagine what other possibilities lie in the coming century.

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