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How to stay motivated?

Whatever phase you are in, be it school, graduation or job, it is normal to feel like you are losing control of your life, to feel like you’ve lost purpose and that nothing is going right. On downer days like these, it is important to self motivate and not let this attitude get the best of you. You see, because it is this very attitude that becomes a hinderance to achieving your goals and the reason to losing faith in yourself.

Yes, failure can be disheartening and discouraging but the road to success is full of them, so it is important to keep pushing yourself to complete the journey to reach your goals.

How to stay motivated?

How to stay motivated?

How to deal with bad days you ask? We have some tips for you that’ll help you stay motivated:

  1. Say no to procrastination

Procrastination is the big bad wolf on the road to success, out to kill your dreams. Just remember, starting is the most difficult part of the journey. Once you find the courage to start the rest follows through. So stop procrastination, set targets for yourself, manage your time, make a to-do list every morning, challenge yourself!

2. Eliminate distractions

Distractions can be in the form of technology – smart phones, or even in the form of your friends, whatever it is start managing it. Distractions have to be kept away from work time. If you are serious about your goals, you have to make the time to achieve it and for that allowed time you can have no distractions.

3. Meditate or Do yoga

Meditation and yoga can be helpful in achieving some peace of mind. Physical activities like these help you declutter our mind, renewing your spirit and letting positive energy flow through you.

4. Conquer your fears

This is a big one! Usually it’s fear of failing, fear of embarrassment and many such, that prevent us from actually doing. It is important, therefore, to dispel these fears. Don’t be afraid of starting something you believe in. An easy method to conquering your fear to to write it down and then also write down why it scares you. Then, you start listing out the positives that you can achieve if you let that fear go.

5. Watch an inspirational video or a TED Talk

Sometimes the inspiration you are looking for can be found in a documentary or a TED Talk. Look for success stories of people you admire or just binge on inspirational TED Talks, there are plenty on all topics on YouTube, and chances are you’ll find the answers you are looking for.

6. Set goals

This may sound boring/nerdy but it actually works. Setting goals with a timeline gives you a purpose. So make a monthly goal list, every morning define how much you want to accomplish during the day. This technique also helps in managing time and keeps you going. Once you’ve set the targets don’t let distractions and fears rule your mind. Just focus on your goals. Writing down why you want to achieve a goal might help you stay focused.

7. Listen to music, go for a run

There is nothing like music to revitalize your spirits and give you a high. Whenever you feel really low, listen to music that numbs the negatives and makes you feel upbeat again. And then get back to work. Another that might help to get your mind off the negativity is going for a run.

8. Read a book

Looks for an inspirational book, you can even look for an audio book. You can pick out a biography or any other self help book, whatever flavor you like. Books give you a lot to think about, also make you question your way of life. So let someone else motivate you into action.

Just remember, you have to look for goals and motivation in life. Don’t lose your drive, challenge yourself every year into something new and stay inspired.

This article has been written by a expert. Do check out our website for any sort of assignment help.

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