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Tricks To Write An Effective Literature Review Assignment

Tricks to write an effective Literature Review Assignment

Literature Review

Literature review or the review of literature are the common forms of assignments which are given to students during their coursework. has been offering assignment help service from past 5 years now almost, and it is evident that every year, we receive thousands of assignment requests where students are looking for literature review assignment help. The main reason that the literature review assignments are found to be so difficult is that it requires a lot of research. While conducting a literature review, a student is required to go through a variety of peer reviewed articles to evaluate and review the literature based on the topic. Since we have professional assignment writers, it becomes easy for us to write literature reviews and today we are going to share some tricks which you may also use to write your literature review and can save time.

writing a literature review

Use effective keywords

First and the foremost task is to find effective and relevant literature articles to conduct a literature review. Undoubtedly, it is important that the articles which are chosen for conducting the literature review are peer reviewed and are from authoritative sources. At times some of the universities in different countries have different norms for the selection of the articles. For instance, we have received a lot of literature review assignment help requests where it was asked to use ABDC Journals for writing literature review. However, most of the students are unaware what actually ABDC means? ABDC is an acronym used for Australian Business Deans Council which has created a journal quality list according to which the journals have been ranked and rated as per their authority and the universities require the students to reference the literature review on the basis of ABDC ranking. Thus, it is essential for you to use right keywords to find the relevant articles. Find the variables in your research topic and use those variables as keyword to find authoritative articles.

Reading through the articles

This is the toughest task while writing literature reviews because you will need to identify the appropriate literature from the different peer reviewed journals. However, reading takes a lot of time to read so many journal articles. Generally, we receive requests for assignment help from so many students who usually ask for a literature review of 1500 to 2000 words. In that case, we recommend you to read the abstract first which will provide enough idea that if this article will turn out to be relevant for you or not? If you find the article relevant, then the next step should be to scroll through the “literature review” section of the article and read through it. You will find the literature that has already been reviewed in the past.


In the previous step, we intimated you to read through the literature review of the article in-hand. While reading through the literature review, you will find several other references to the articles which you can use for your research. The reference section will help you to get the details of those articles and you can find it in your university library effectively.

Up-to-Date content

It is a matter of fact that world is changing at a faster pace where there is introduction of technology, changes in the environment, etc. This is of course going to impact the results of the research. For example, if a student is researching on the use of social media in the area of marketing, it is likely that if he will go through a 10 year old article, the results would be very different from the current scenario. This has been the main reason, that the professors usually ask to ensure that the references that are used in your literature review must be at most 5 years old. Hence, you must ensure that you are using up to date content for your literature review which will help you to draw effective conclusions for the research.

So, these were all the required tips and tricks which you can use to write an effective literature review for your research. We believe that these tips would not only help you to write an effective literature review, but also you will be able to save a lot of time while ensuring that you can attain a higher grade. However, in case you are not able to sort your literature review, we recommend you to use our assignment help service anytime. We are always there to help you with any types of assignments.

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