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These Inspiring Quotes By Muhammad Ali Will Make You Fall In Love With Life

These inspiring quotes by Muhammad Ali will make you fall in love with life

Student life is full of hurdles and obstacles. Not only do students struggle with managing their schedules and balancing school and personal life together, but they also have a plethora of other problems to face and solve. There is this constant struggle in deciding what is right between what the society says and what you feel is correct, the desire to make dreams come true, and the pressure to grow up to become a successful adult. Often, students find themselves to be alone on this long and tiring journey to satisfaction and success, and they end up feeling low and de-motivated.

These inspiring quotes by Muhammad Ali will give you the strength to face all troubles, and to achieve all your goals and ambitions.

Don’t count the days. Make the days count.

This is one of the first of the many famous quotes by the legendary Muhammed Ali. Life is precious, and we often fail to realize the importance of this valuable gift that has been given to us. Life should not be long; rather it should be great and worthwhile. This is the essence of the above quote. As living mortals, we should strive to make the most of each day, and to go back to bed happy and content. This is the secret to living a happy life.

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

This should be the guiding mantra for all young adults out there. Having lived and grown up in such safe zones all our life, we dread the very word ‘risk’. We are the generation who is only comfortable with what is certain, and we do not want to risk anything. Such an attitude however, only breeds stagnancy. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. Great personalities all around the world were not afraid to put everything at stake to achieve their goals, and this is how your outlook should also be. As they say, do not be afraid of falling down; be afraid of not getting up again!

Silence is golden when you cannot think of a good answer.

This quote is really simple to apply in your real life, but it can have positive consequences. You don’t need to have the answer to each and every question that is posed to you. Not knowing something is natural and alright. But if you start to act pretentious, or make bold statements on the basis of your half-knowledge, then you could have not have been more wrong. If you do not know something, simply accept it and stay quite rather than make a fool of yourself.


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