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benefits of being a bookworm


Have you always been overwhelmed by reading books? Reading a book, in a way, makes you a part of the world. Through books, you can persistently learn and understand other people’s outlook and opinions, which can help you function in the reality. It materializes and has an intense effect on mental agility, the memory and our skill for imagination and compassion. Reading books can help ease the stress and aid sleep. In today’s modern world filled with smartphones and social media, most people don’t feel like sit longer and read a book, as it requires a lot of concentration. There are many benefits of being a bookworm. It is not only enjoyable but also has many health benefits.

Reading book is the ideal way to relax. It is very useful in relieving stress and calms our nerves. According to the study, few minutes reading can reduce up to 69% stress. If you are reading silently to yourself, it can slow down your heart rate and ease the tension in the muscles. It is rather more efficient than other relaxing activities like listening to the music or a cup of coffee. It is said that if you engage yourself in a thoroughly absorbing book, you can escape from your day to day worries and stress and explore the realm of author’s imagination. It is more of an active engaging of the imagination and activate your creativity and make you enter into the state of consciousness.

When you read a book, literally it expands your mind. While reading, we absorb facts, make new connections, and have new ideas. Learning new things always makes us smarter. According to the studies, reading regularly prevent us from Alzheimer’s disease and keep our mind healthy and young. Reading books cause changes in the left temporal cortex, an area of the brain are connected with the language grasping and experience known as “embodied cognition”. It tricks the mind into thinking of doing something that it is not. It increases a person’s emotional intelligence and ability to be compassionate.

The most vital benefit of the reading book is you gain a lot of knowledge about various things. Making a habit of reading for long hours, also helps you focus on the exams and better preparation using textbooks. It gives you lots of insight and every time you read a book, whether it is fiction, fantasy or historical, it represents you with a different plot, conflict, and characters. It increases your IQ level, and you always have a great topic of the conversation. It helps you enhance your vocabulary which helps you boosts your self-esteem.

Staring at the laptops and your mobile screens can cause sleep problems. Our brain thinks it is time to wake up when to look at the bright display. Lying down with the book in a lit little room will get you sleep quicker and have a better night’s sleep. When you are carrying the stress of the whole day, the book allows you to let go of things, disturbing our mind and makes us relax and sleep well.

Novels are written in high-quality English. When you read books, you get exposure to a higher level of English that you don’t read in your regular books. It helps you improve your vocabulary and writing skills. You pick up new words and learn to pronounce them correctly.

If you are feeling dull and uninspired, get a good book, it helps develop a better thinking skill. It improves learning to draw collations and see patterns more quickly. Reading books activate the creative side of our brain. You can engage yourself in the characters shoes and understand their story from the point of view you have never thought of before. It is the best way to be mentally creative.
It is the best way to treat yourself. Keeping a book handy is one of the easiest ways to lessen the boredom.


This article has been written by the assignment helper at Make my assignment.
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