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Addition Sentences In English

Addition Sentences in English

Addition sentences are those sentences that comprise several values incorporated together. You can also term it as a mathematical phrase that is used to illustrate two or more values that are added simultaneously along with their product. For instance, 1+1=2 is an example of an addition sentence. Addition sentences are also used in English. These sentences are often used in English to enhance the meaning of the content. For example, ‘All her preparation and hard work paid off eventually.’

Some Examples of Addition Sentences

Mathematical terms are often considered as addition sentences. Such terms illustrate two or more additional numbers that are included together and then demonstrated as a joint value. The phrase comprises the sign ‘+’ and ‘=.’ Each numeral included in an addition sentence is known as a term. Here are some the examples of addition sentences-




You can also use addition sentences as connectors in English. Some of its examples as connectors are-

The Jewish family has completely refurnished their bedroom with new hardware floors. In addition, they have also included new window curtains to allow more sunlight.

Here, part-time English lessons are provided to students. In addition, they can also take lessons in calculation and accounting.

Missing terms

In both real-life and mathematics classes, students are told to locate missing expressions in addition sentences. For instance, in Maths class, students are asked to discover the missing term in the sentence 2 +? = 7. In real life as well, students are given addition sentences as 8 + 8 =? The missing phrase here can be placed in any place. It can either be the initial term, the second term, the final term, or any other phrase in the middle of the sentence.

In addition in English

Sentences are a combination of the chain of terms. They are written in the form of stories, ideas, and expressions. Sentences are used to create language, and it often represents a personality. Along with this, it is also used to mention a different element that is linked to the subject discussed in the sentence. For example, there is a postal price, repair fee, and packaging price. The phrase ‘in addition can be used to connect two separate sentences. He can speak French and English in addition to German.

A simple sentence including ‘in addition’ includes both verb and subject, and it might also contain an object with modifiers. However, it includes one independent clause. A compound sentence, on the other hand, has a minimum of two independent clauses when it comes to including ‘in addition’ in a sentence. Two of the independent clauses can be included with a coordinating juxtaposition or employing a semicolon with a comma. When it comes to complex sentence, it has one independent clause and one dependent clause. Dependent clauses talk about the casual essentials, series/time, and subject of the independent clause.

So, this was all about the addition sentences in English that can help students compile their assignments and projects. Apart from this, if you ever need help regarding your academic papers or assignments, feel free to contact our online assignment writing services for professional help and guidance. Our experts are available 24*7 at your service, delivering high-quality assignments at affordable prices. We make sure that students receive perfect assignments so that they are able to score well in academics. We do not believe in the policy of plagiarizing content for students. Our assignments are prepared from highly researched and original content. The experts we hire for our assignment writing service hold professional degrees and have great experience in their field.

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