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SNPG932 Recovery and the lived experience of mental illness – University of Wollongong

SNPG932: Recovery and the lived experience of mental illness – University of Wollongong

Details of Assessment Tasks

Assessment task 1

Assessment Title Assignment (Report)
The recent review of seclusion, restraint and observation of consumers with a mental illness in NSW Health facilities has provided an important analysis on the use of restrictive practices in these setting (NSW Ministry of Health 2017). The review team identified seven key themes for improvement, including ‘Culture and leadership’. In this theme, they reported:

The pre-eminence of a custodial and risk-management culture was evident in all aspects of the review. The avoidance of harm through risk management is a community expectation of services. But the pursuit of safety through risk management can often undercut the therapeutic environment. It is a trade-off that many consumers and clinicians find unacceptable, and in many instances is contrary to the principles of recovery (NSW Ministry of Health, 2017, p. 23)

Produce an in-depth written report on the implications this finding has for NSW Health facilities to support personal recovery for consumers and from this, identify recommendations for supporting personal recovery in these settings.

Your assignment is to be set out in report format, and should include:

Title page: A brief and explicit description of the purpose of the report.

Abstract: A brief summary of the report content

Introduction: Set the scene for the main body of the report.

Body: The main body of the report is where you discuss your material.

Conclusion: A summary of the the overall significance of what has been covered.

Recommendations for supporting personal recovery in NSW Health Facilities: The recommendations are a summary of solutions that follow logically from your interpretation of your findings.

See marking guide below for further information on how marks are allocated for this assessment.

Reference: NSW Ministry of Health 2017, The Review of Seclusion,

Restraint and Observation of Consumers with a Mental Illness in NSW

Health Facilities, Ministry  of Health, viewed 12 December 2017,
Assessment Due Thursday 12th April 23:55hrs
Return Date to Within 15 working days of due date
Length 2000 words
Weighting 40%
Assessment Your assignment will be evaluated using an assessment rubric
Referencing Style Author – Date (Harvard)
A summary of the Harvard system can be accessed in the online guide
on the Library website at:
Submission Your assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box
within the SNPG932. Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to
review and re-submit your assignment up to the due date and time.
To learn more about how to use Turnitin please access the resources
at the following link:
Subject Learning 1, 2, 3
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