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Help me write a research proposal on Medical Marijuana

Help me write a research proposal on Medical Marijuana

Assessment Description

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Proposed title Not exceeding 15 words – Remember you are reading Addiction Studies and your work must relate to the study of addiction in some way.
Purpose statement This should also contain some research to back up choice of areas/ themes that must relate to addiction in some way.  Remember this section needs to be specific, not a general area of interest.  This section should also have at least one research question that will be addressed through your research.  There should be a logical flow to this section from a broad introduction to the area to the specific addition/ modifications proposed for the current research compared to previous research in the area.  Relevant research studies (at least 3) should be cited, including more than 1 recent study published in the 2000s.  The case for your research should be fully justified through critical evaluation of previous research and what your proposed research would add.  Highlight the practical benefits of the research to the individuals/ organizations directly affected by the issues addressed and the theoretical/ research advances that could result through your research.
Main Aims/ Hypotheses

Variables: Quantitative research,

Themes: Qualitative research or library research only

The variables/ themes identified in these aims/ hypotheses must be specific, measurable and achievable during the course of your research.  All the variables/ themes should be mentioned and the statements should be worded well.  Expected relationships between variables/ themes should be clearly indicated.
Type of Design Proposed approach to the primary research to be undertaken: Research philosophy:  e.g. Positivism, Interpretivism, Realism… Research approach: e.g. Deductive, Inductive… Time horizon: Cross-sectional, Longitudinal….. Data Collection Methods:  e.g. Secondary data, interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, library research only
Sample (a)   Who are your participants going to be, and how many?

(b)  How will you gain access to your sample?

(if library research is proposed list relevant databases or other avenues where you will get literature)

Equipment What equipment/ resources/ questionnaires will you require? e.g. Dictaphone, letter from the college, previously used commercially available questionnaires (if free versions are not available) etc….
Analysis (not relevant to those conducting library research only) What analysis of your data do you consider appropriate and why?  You need to consider whether you will be conducting qualitative (thematic analysis) or quantitative (statistical analysis) research or a mixture of both. 

What computer software is required to conduct the analysis?  e.g. NVivo (Qualitative), SPSS (Quantitative) etc 

Key References on which your proposed thesis is based At least 3 relevant references should be listed and at least 1 recent reference published in the 2000s.  All the references mentioned in the purpose statement should be listed in this section.
Potential supervisors If you have already contacted a potential research supervisor about your proposed thesis research, please indicate their name, position and email address.  See the staff list in your student handbook for candidates.
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