There are four significant steps in the managerial decision-making process. For each activity listed below, select where it falls in the decision-making process from the options in the drop-down list.

a. Rate each alternative according to criteria. Select Identify problem. Generate alternatives. Select an alternative. Implement and evaluate solution Item 1

b. Utilize nominal grouping. Select and Identify problem. Generate choices. Select an alternative. Implement and evaluate solution Item 2

c. Ask the question “why?” five times. Select Identify problem. Generate alternatives. Select an alternative. Implement and evaluate solution Item

d. Create project plan with schedule and cost. Select and Identify problem. Generate choices. Select an alternative. Implement and evaluate the solution

Decision making is an essential aspect of the company as it helps the company to make wise decisions by compiling and organizing information. Some steps are listed below:

  • Identification of Problem
  • Generation of Alternatives
  • Selection of Alternatives
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation
My Assignments Changed status to publish April 24, 2020
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